Fall YouTube Round Up
Hi everyone! I’m dropping by today to share some of our favorite Halloween songs. A few years ago, I worked at an early childhood school. I LOVED working with 3-5 year olds. They are so much fun and soak up EVERYTHING! One of the easiest ways to teach young children like is through songs (think about the ABC song). Kids pick them up and sing them without really knowing their meaning. I feel it’s my job as a SLP and mom to help them to connect that language and vocabulary to real world situations. C has picked up SO many words from our songs that we’ve listened to this Fall.
If your child is young and you haven’t introduced TV or screen time yet, you can still listen to these songs. Over the summer, we bought a bluetooth speaker from the dollar spot at Target for $5. We put the YouTube songs on my phone, connected it to the speaker and Voila! It was one of C’s favorite activities!
Here are links to some of our favorites:
- Super Simple Songs Knock Knock, Trick or Treat
This is an all-time favorite of mine! It’s great at introducing the concept of trick or treating to young children or children who have disabilities. While watching this video, you can embed “wh” questions (Who is this child dressed up as? What does a ghost say?). You can also have your child say trick or treat along with the song. Super Simple Songs also released a Part 2 of this song that you can find here.
For older or more advanced learners, Super Simple Songs has an AMAZING website with other activities, flash cards, coloring pages and more! I love this wheel that you can use with your child during or after the song. Links to their other Halloween activities can be found here.
2. Super Simple Songs This is the Way We Carve a Pumpkin
I promise all of these won’t be Super Simple Songs, but I truly do love them! This song is great for older kids to talk about sequencing. I’m planning to use it in my speech room this week with kindergarten-1st grade and then have them retell how to carve a pumpkin. It would also be great to introduce kids to how we carve pumpkins and explain why we do things like scoop out the seeds, etc.
3. Super Simple Songs Can You Make a Happy Face
It is extremely important to talk with your kids about emotions! So many things that we see as “bad behavior,” “meltdowns,” or “tantrums” are young children lacking the vocabulary to explain what they are thinking (more about that in a future post). This fun little song is a great way to open up that conversation. For children who are more verbal and able to identify simple emotions, you could ask “What makes you feel happy/sad/angry/scared?” and “What can you do when you feel happy/sad/angry/scared?” It’s also great for pumpkin carving ideas for little guys!
4. Super Simple Songs Five Creepy Spiders
This song talks about Halloween Vocabulary, descriptors and introduces simple counting all to a familiar tune (3 Blind Mice). What more could you ask for?
5. KidsTV123 Spooky Spooky
My other favorite YouTube songs for C are KidsTV123. I love their mellow sound-- the songs sound like music I would listen to with lyrics that appeal to kids! Spooky Spooky introduces simple Halloween nouns (jack-o-lantern, witch, vampire, monster, etc). C loves to dance like the characters during their spooky dance!
6. KidsTV123 Too Spooky for Me
Too Spooky for Me is a nice extension of Spooky Spooky in that it places the Halloween characters into a context-- a haunted house! This video is great for older kids, as you could pause and ask who, what and where questions about what they are watching! Kids won’t even know they are learning! :)
7. KidsTV123 Halloween Night
Halloween Night became a quick favorite in my house this Halloween season! The song is great for practicing or introducing counting, as well as seeing those Halloween characters again.
I’ve created a Halloween Playlist on YouTube with all of these songs and some other favorites as well.
If you’re not into YouTube, you can pick up all of the Super Simple Songs - Halloween
on Amazon. Let me know how you and your kids like these songs!
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